Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Customers for life with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service helps you exceed Customer Expectations with maximized service operations and improved agent efficiency. Generate revenue by taking advantage of the full potential of Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (Sales, Customer Service and Marketing) in combination with the productivity of a Modern Workplace  and business insights of Enterprise Resource Planning.


Engage across multi channels with your customers. 

  • Voice & Telephony
  • Digital Engagement channels such as email, virtual assistants, chatbots, text  or social messaging channels. 
  • interactive voice response (IVR) & Chatbots
  • Resolve problems faster with intelligent routing that classifies issues and assigns them to the right agent.  

Make your Customers feel known, understood and supported by using: 

  • Customer & Channel Analytics to uncover insights that help you improve their customer experience
  • Track & Analyze customer behaviours and personalize interactions
  • Biometric Authentication: Use Voice and behavioral pattern recognition for a fast & personalized way
  • Biometric Fraud Detection will help you prevent potential fraud an disrupt attempts. 
  • Customer Data Platform will bring together all data to get a 360 degree view of the customer and discover actionable insights. 

With the help of AI Driven tools your team will resolve customer issues and build loyalty. 

  • The Agent Desktop will enable your Customer Service Agents to do their best work with tools like profile histories and engagement transcripts.
  •  AI Assistance provides real-time insights, visibility into active conversations and proactive recommendations. 
  • Your agents are getting the right information at the right time with access to AI suggested knowledge articles (knowledge management). 
  • With contextual AI your agents are provided with personalized responses. 

Identify opportunities for growing a loyal customer base and earn customers for life. 

  • Track and analyze customer behavior and information to identify engagement opportunities. 
  • Virtual Assistants or chatbots will quickly resolve customer inquiries and provide product recommendations. 
  • With Live Assist you’ll improve the service by assessing and routing inquiries. 

Bring together your contact center infrastructure to deliver simplicity and flexbility: 

  • Solutions are quickly and easily built with no-code, low-code or pro-code AI development 
  • With API-driven AI, security and analytics technologies natural conversational experiences are ensured on any platform. 


Dynamics 365 Field Service

Deliver proactive service, optimized with AI, and empower your frontline workers to increase customer satisfaction.

Dynamics 365 Remote Assist

Empower frontline workers to solve service and support issues in real time on HoloLens, Android, or iOS devices.

Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

Transform customer data into actionable insights and better understand customer behavior using digital analytics.

Dynamics 365 Customer Voice

Quickly collect and understand omnichannel feedback to build better customer experiences.

Expand with your Customer Engagement with Dynamics 365

Start by choosing one, multiple or one application. 

Interested in learning more about our approach?